

Drawing Back

Drawing back or shrinking is spiritually dangerous and contagious.  People who are discouraged, discourage us. Together we face and we face difficult situations which can turn us away from the Lord. We need to stand firm; often we do not endure. Hebrews 10:38 says: “Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, my soul has no pleasure in him." Do we believe verse 38? “God has no pleasure in those who draw back.” We need to know how to cure the problem. Yet, knowing how is not enough; we must apply Bible truth to everyday flesh and blood living.

If we have concern about the Lord, we really do not want to draw back. We do sometimes retreat; but we don’t want to, or we don’t intend to do so. What do we do? One thing is to measure our spiritual lives. How do we respond to these tests of our faith. Tests place us beside God’s measuring rod—His word. Hebrews 4:12 says: “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” By God’s word we can see if we are maturing, weakening, or growing.  The Christians in Hebrews were reminded of days gone by—days of persecution; their persecution was real.

Remember that we are not the first Christians to be tested. The great struggle the writer of Hebrews alludes to is an athletic context.  Here we are placed in a grand arena and fight the beasts of life; the battle is real, imaginary. What do we need to do?  We need to continue to have faith in Christ.

Sometimes others say hateful things about us. When we are defamed, or become the objects of disgrace through verbal abuse—these trials discourage us. Then the actions of others can hurt. We are pressured through mistreatment to give up. When our loved ones suffer. When we lose valuable things (plundering your goods) we can be tempted to give up. These losses may extend beyond our possessions to people, reputation, health, security, and freedom

What do I do?  How can I handle stressful tests? I must have faith. Faith may never grow strong when free of from the stress of endurance. Hebrews eleven gives many examples of that fact.  Those mentioned showed confidence and conviction.  They had assurance that provided a solid foundation. They lived in the present and looked toward the future, living in hope. With the naked eye they did not see God; by the eye of faith, they saw “things not seen. Their faith pleased God and were approved. Their focus was fully on God.

Is faith a constant struggle for you? Are you living one day at a time?  Does your life revolve around God? Read Hebrews eleven again. Live again, the faith struggles of these people. What did they go through? How did they keep on serving the Lord? Was it easy for them? Are you any different? Be willing to share your struggles with others. Maybe they can see you slipping backwards; they can help. And remember:  the Lord will help, too.