

The Sting Of Death

Ephraim was the largest of the twelve tribes; Joseph was the father of Ephraim and Manasseh; sometimes, Ephraim refers to the entire northern kingdom; sometimes, Israel is used to refer to the twelve tribes. Israel would be taken into captivity by the Assyrians in 722BC; they never reappeared.  Outside forces sometimes bring ruin to a nation.  Economic downturns, drought, and invading armies can bring about a reversal of fortune.  Now, though, Ephraim brought spiritual ruin and decay on themselves by continuing in idolatry. “Through Baal, he did wrong and died.”  Death always comes when God is exchanged for idols.

Pluralism is a mindset or worldview, a philosophy that “elevates the categories of diversity, multiplicity and difference, rather than homogeneity, unity and sameness” (Pocket Dictionary of Ethics, 90). Molten images, idols made of silver, and the skilled works of craftsmen, provided choices for the people of God to worship the idols in their hearts (Ezekiel 14:4). If the ground yielded a bumper crop, thank the gods.  If rain flowed from heaven, thank the gods.  Kiss the calves! Bow to the gods that controlled the world.  Ephraim forget or ignored the real nature of false religion.  “Therefore, they will be like the morning cloud and like dew which soon disappears, like chaff, which is blown away from the threshing floor, and like smoke from a chimney” (13:3).

“Shall I ransom them from the power of Sheol? Shall I redeem them from death? Death, where are your thorns? Sheol, where is your sting? Compassion will be hidden from My sight” (Hosea 13:14 NASV).  This passage is familiar to students of the New Testament.  The Apostle Paul quotes part of this warning in First Corinthians 15:55. Paul’s teaching about the resurrection inspires and gives hope; death is a victory for the faithful; the sting of death is sin, but that sting has been taken away by the resurrection of Christ.  Is this the point Hosea is making to God’s people?  Does it apply strictly to the judgment that would come on Israel? Does it look beyond captivity to a time of restoration?  We wonder if God’s people really wanted a relationship with their Creator.  After all, they were steeped in idolatry; persistence in that kind of rebellion could only bring God’s righteous judgment.  When judgment came, Israel should not have been surprised. 

Notice the rhetorical questions in Hosea 13:14. “Shall I ransom them from the power of Sheol? (no) Shall I redeem them from death? (no) Death, where are your thorns? (your thorns cannot diminish the reward of the faithful) Sheol, where is your sting? (death cannot hold the children of God) Compassion will be hidden from My sight.”  The sting of death has been taken away.  Absorbing the sting of death, Jesus died and arose from the grave.  Do you really want to put your faith in an idol?